Abrir URL OneSignal na WebView

Olá Pessoal,

Depois de uns 30 dias tentando e pesquisando, resolvi jogar a toalha e pedir ajuda aos universitários.

Eu tenho uma simples WebView, só quero fazer com que a URL que envio do OneSignal seja aberta nessa WebView. Ela abre, mas abre na página principal e não na URL que enviei.

Lá no OneSignal estou enviando os dados via “Additional Data”, assim: ‘data’ => array(“openURL” => $meuLink).

public class ApplicationClass extends Application {

public void onCreate() {

            .setNotificationOpenedHandler(new ExampleNotificationOpenedHandler())

private class ExampleNotificationOpenedHandler implements OneSignal.NotificationOpenedHandler {
    // This fires when a notification is opened by tapping on it.
    public void notificationOpened(OSNotificationOpenResult result) {
        OSNotificationAction.ActionType actionType = result.action.type;
        JSONObject data = result.notification.payload.additionalData;
        String launchUrl = result.notification.payload.launchURL; // update docs launchUrl

        String openURL = null;
        Object activityToLaunch = MainActivity.class;

        if (data != null) {
            openURL = data.optString("openURL", null);


        // The following can be used to open an Activity of your choice.
        // Replace - getApplicationContext() - with any Android Context.
        // Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), YourActivity.class);
        Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), (Class<?>) activityToLaunch);
        // intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
        intent.putExtra("openURL", openURL);
        // startActivity(intent);

        // Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml to prevent the launching of your main Activity
        //   if you are calling startActivity above.
       <application ...>
         <meta-data android:name="com.onesignal.NotificationOpened.DEFAULT" android:value="DISABLE" />


E na minha MainActivity estou chamando assim:

String url = getIntent().getStringExtra(“openURL”);

    if (url == null)

Simplesmente não consigo receber o openURL na minha MainActivity