Chamar classe com construtor ao clicar no botão (RESOLVIDO)

Boa noite amigos, gostaria de saber se alguém consegue me dar uma luz aqui, tenho a classe abaixo executando normalmente seu trabalho. Porém eu gostaria de iniciar este de uma outra classe num botão ao ser clicado inicia-la sem mostrar nada somente executar. Segue abaixo:

public class InsertText {

public InsertText(String filename, HashMap<String, String> replacementText) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {
    // Not strictly necessary as a similar exception will be thrown on
    // instantiation of the File object later. Still like to test the parameters though.
    if(filename == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Null value passed to the filename parameter of the InsertText class constructor.");
    if(replacementText == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Null value passed to the replacementText parameter of the InsertText class constructor.");
    if(filename==null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("An empty String was passed to the filename parameter of the InsertText class constructor.");
    if(replacementText.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("An empty HashMap was passed to the replacementText parameter of the InsertText class constructor.");
    // Copy parameters to local variables. Get the set of keys backing the HashMap and open the file.
    this.replacementText = replacementText;
    this.keys = replacementText.keySet();
    this.inputFile = new File(filename);
 * Called to replace any named 'placeholders' with their accompanying text.
public void processFile() {
    Range range = null;
    BufferedInputStream buffInputStream = null;
    BufferedOutputStream buffOutputStream = null;
    FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
    FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
    parag[] paraText = null;

    try {
        // Open the input file.
        fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(this.inputFile);
        buffInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream);
        this.document = new HWPFDocument(new POIFSFileSystem(buffInputStream));
        // Get an instance of the Range class and load all of the Paragrpahs
        // the document contains into a local array of type ParagraphText.
        range = this.document.getRange();
        paraText = this.loadParagraphs(range);

        // Step through the paragraph text.
        for(int i = 0; i < paraText.length; i++) {
            // Step through the Set of keys that backs the HashMap of
            // key/value pairs. For each key, test to see whether it exists
            // in the paragraph of text and if so replace it with the specified text value.
            for(String key : this.keys) {
                if(paraText[i].getUpdatedText().contains(key)) {
                        this.replacePlaceholders(key, this.replacementText.get(key), paraText[i].getUpdatedText()));
            // After the paragraph has been tested against all of the keys
            // for placeholders, check to see if any replacements were nade.
            // If there were any replacements made then call the replaceText()
            // method for the specific paragraph. Here the paragraph's
            // number is recovered by calling the getParagraphNumber()
            // method - this could easilly be replaced in the current
            // situation with the number i which is the index of the enclosing
            // for loop. If the updates were made in another loop however, the
            // availability of the paragraph number could be useful.
            // Note that two further calls are made to get the raw text - the
            // text that was originallg recovered from the paragraph - and the
            // updated text - the text with any placeholders replaced. It
            // proved necessary to copy the text recovered from the paragraph
            // becuase a call to the text() method of the Paragraph object
            // only returned part of the text for the final paragraph.
            if(paraText[i].isUpdated()) {
                        paraText[i].getRawText(), paraText[i].getUpdatedText(), 0);
        // Save the document away.
        fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:\\teste.doc"));
        buffOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream);
    catch(IOException ioEx) {
        System.out.println("Caught an: " + ioEx.getClass().getName());
        System.out.println("Message: " + ioEx.getMessage());
        System.out.println("StackTrace follows:");
    finally {
        if(buffInputStream != null) {
            try {
            catch(IOException ioEx) {
                // I G N O R E //
        if(buffOutputStream != null) {
            try {
            catch(IOException ioEx) {
                // I G N O R E //
 * Called to replace all occurrences of a placeholder.
 * @param key An instance of the String class that encapsulates the text of the placeholder.
 * @param value An instance of the String class that encapsulates the
 *        text that will be used to replace the placeholder.
 * @param text An instance of the String class that contains the contents
 *        of a paragraph read from a Word document.
 * @return An instance of the String class containing an updated version
 *         of the text originally recovered from the Word document; one
 *         where all occurrences of the placeholder have been replaced.
private String replacePlaceholders(String key, String value, String text) {
    int index = 0;
    // This is far from the most efficient way to parse the String as it
    // always starts from the beginning even after one or more substitutions
    // have been made. For now though it does work but will have obvious
    // limitations if the chunks of text are very large.
    while((index = text.indexOf(key)) >= 0) {
        text = text.substring(0, index) + value + text.substring(index + key.length());
 * Reads the contents of the document as a series of Paragraph objects. The
 * text is extracted from each and encapsulated into a instances of the ParagraphText calss.
 * It proved to be problematic to call the text() method on an instance
 * of the Paragraph class - sometimes, such a call would fail to return
 * all of the text the actual paragraph contained. So, it was necessary to
 * read all of the text into local variables so that it could be more
 * effectivley and successfully processed and this method was copied -
 * along with it's companion getTextFromPieces() from Nick Burch's WordExtractor class.
 * @param range An instance of the org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Range class
 *        that encapsulates information about the Word document - it's
 *        sections, paragraphs, tables, pictures, etc.
 * @return An array of type ParagraphText. Each element will contain an
 *         instance of the ParagraphText class that encasulates information
 *         about a paragraph of text - the text itself, the number of the
 *         paragraph, whether the text has been modified since it was read, etc.
private parag[] loadParagraphs(Range range) {
    parag[] paraText = new parag[range.numParagraphs()];
    Paragraph paragraph = null;
    String readText = null;
        for(int i = 0; i < range.numParagraphs(); i++) {
            paragraph = range.getParagraph(i);
            readText = paragraph.text();
            if(readText.endsWith("\n")) {
                readText = readText + "\n";
            paraText[i] = new parag(i, readText);
    catch(Exception ex) {
        paraText[0] = this.getTextFromPieces();

 * Again, with thanks to Nick Burch, this method will reconstruct the 
 * document's text from a series of TextPieces.
 * @return An instance of the ParagraphText class that encapsulates all
 *         of the text recovered from the document and treats it as one
 *         very large - potentially - paragraph.
private parag getTextFromPieces() {
    TextPiece piece = null;
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    String text = null;
    String encoding = "Cp1252";
    Iterator textPieces = this.document.getTextTable().getTextPieces().iterator();
    while (textPieces.hasNext()) {
        piece = (TextPiece);
        if (piece.isUnicode()) {
            encoding = "UTF-16LE";
        try {
            text = new String(piece.getRawBytes(), encoding);
        } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new InternalError("Standard Encoding " + encoding + " not found, JVM broken");
    text = buffer.toString();
    // Fix line endings (Note - won't get all of them
    text = text.replaceAll("\r\r\r", "\r\n\r\n\r\n");
    text = text.replaceAll("\r\r", "\r\n\r\n");
    if(text.endsWith("\r")) {
        text += "\n";
    return(new parag(0, text));

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        HashMap<String, String> replacementText = new HashMap<String, String>();
        replacementText.put("$PH1", "MODIFIED REPLACEMENT 1");
        replacementText.put("$PH2", "MODIFIED REPLACEMENT 2");
        replacementText.put("$PH3", "nome");
        new InsertText("C:\\testec.doc", replacementText).processFile();
    catch(Exception eEx) {
        System.out.println("Caught an: " + eEx.getClass().getName());
        System.out.println("Message: " + eEx.getMessage());
        System.out.println("StackTrace follows:");



Na outra classe é só você fazer algo parecido com o que é feito no método main dessa classe aqui.

1 curtida

Staroski bom dia, poderia me dar um exemplo de como fazer isso. Da forma q tentei ele pediu que eu renomeace a classe construtora da classe que está o botão de iniciar o replace. Acredito que eu deva criar uma classe na classe do botão e chamá-lo no botão com o comando normal mas n to conseguindo acertar o código se puder me dar uma luz ae pra eu ver o q to fazendo de errado eu agradeço.

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V do código do método main da classe que você postou:

try {
    HashMap<String, String> replacementText = new HashMap<String, String>();
    replacementText.put("$PH1", "MODIFIED REPLACEMENT 1");
    replacementText.put("$PH2", "MODIFIED REPLACEMENT 2");
    replacementText.put("$PH3", "nome");
    new InsertText("C:\\testec.doc", replacementText).processFile();
catch(Exception eEx) {
    System.out.println("Caught an: " + eEx.getClass().getName());
    System.out.println("Message: " + eEx.getMessage());
    System.out.println("StackTrace follows:");

Se não postar o código, não conseguimos ver a forma que você tentou.

1 curtida

Staroski era isso mesmo , chamei normalmente sem criar a classe nem nada como disse é deu certo. Muito obrigado pela ajuda fico muito feliz de que nos q gostamos de Java sejamos mais unidos do q os demais q só pensam em esconder seus códigos. Obrigado mesmo.