gostaria de saber onde devo mexer para que minha entrada de dados no netbeans seja via args?
valeu! :sad:
gostaria de saber onde devo mexer para que minha entrada de dados no netbeans seja via args?
valeu! :sad:
Cara isso eu tirei do Help do nebeans, ele é muito bom, vale a pena consultar.
Setting the Main Class and Runtime Arguments
See Also
Right-click the project node in the Projects window and choose Project Properties.
Click Running Project in the left pane of the dialog box.
Type the fully qualified name of the main class in the Main Class field (for example, org.myCompany.myLib.MyLibClass). The main class must exist in the project or in one of the JAR files or libraries in the project's runtime classpath.
Type any runtime arguments in the Arguments field.
If you use the Browse button to choose the project main class, the file chooser only shows classes in your project source directory. If you want to specify a class in one the libraries on the classpath, you have to type the fully-qualified name of the class in the Main Class field.
See also
Running Tasks: Quick Reference Running an Application Running a Single File Setting the Runtime Classpath
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