Boa tarde...
Estou usando WildFly-8.2.1.Final startando ele por dentro do Eclipse. Mas não estou conseguindo subir minha aplicação. O log de erro que ele apresenta é esse :
15:11:40,978 INFO [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.3.3.Final
15:11:43,109 INFO [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.2.2.Final
15:11:43,280 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015899: WildFly 8.2.1.Final “Tweek” starting
15:12:02,061 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015888: Creating http management service using socket-binding (management-http)
15:12:02,142 INFO [org.xnio] (MSC service thread 1-5) XNIO version 3.3.0.Final
15:12:02,152 INFO [org.xnio.nio] (MSC service thread 1-5) XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.0.Final
15:12:02,192 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 40) JBAS011800: Activating Naming Subsystem
15:12:02,192 WARN [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 46) JBAS010153: Node identifier property is set to the default value. Please make sure it is unique.
15:12:02,192 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 45) JBAS013171: Activating Security Subsystem
15:12:02,192 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 32) JBAS010280: Activating Infinispan subsystem.
15:12:02,232 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 38) JBAS012615: Activated the following JSF Implementations: [main]
15:12:02,332 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS013170: Current PicketBox version=4.0.21.Final
15:12:02,393 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS011802: Starting Naming Service
15:12:02,383 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015400: Bound mail session [java:jboss/mail/Default]
15:12:02,393 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 48) JBAS015537: Activating WebServices Extension
15:12:02,433 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 31) WFLYIO001: Worker ‘default’ has auto-configured to 8 core threads with 64 task threads based on your 4 available processors
15:12:02,627 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS010408: Starting JCA Subsystem (IronJacamar 1.1.9.Final)
15:12:02,710 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS017502: Undertow 1.1.8.Final starting
15:12:02,710 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool – 47) JBAS017502: Undertow 1.1.8.Final starting
15:12:03,170 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 27) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class org.h2.Driver (version 1.3)
15:12:03,271 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS010417: Started Driver service with driver-name = h2
15:12:03,433 INFO [org.jboss.remoting] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBoss Remoting version 4.0.7.Final
15:12:03,886 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool – 47) JBAS017527: Creating file handler for path C:\Users\pc\Desktop\wildfly-8.2.1.Final/welcome-content
15:12:04,162 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS017525: Started server default-server.
15:12:04,503 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS017531: Host default-host starting
15:12:04,524 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS017519: Undertow HTTP listener default listening on localhost/
15:12:05,456 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS010400: Bound data source [java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS]
15:12:05,668 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS015012: Started FileSystemDeploymentService for directory C:\Users\pc\Desktop\wildfly-8.2.1.Final\standalone\deployments
15:12:05,819 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBWS022052: Starting JBoss Web Services - Stack CXF Server 4.3.2.Final
15:12:07,208 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015961: Http management interface listening on
15:12:07,208 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015951: Admin console listening on
15:12:07,208 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: WildFly 8.2.1.Final “Tweek” started in 26662ms - Started 184 of 234 services (82 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)
15:12:40,736 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS015003: Found Sisprot.war in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called Sisprot.war.dodeploy
15:12:40,781 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of “Sisprot.war” (runtime-name: “Sisprot.war”)
15:13:21,890 ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-4) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE: JBAS018733: Failed to process phase POST_MODULE of deployment "Sisprot.war"
at [wildfly-server-8.2.1.Final.jar:8.2.1.Final]
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService( [jboss-msc-1.2.2.Final.jar:1.2.2.Final]
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$ [jboss-msc-1.2.2.Final.jar:1.2.2.Final]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
at Source) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: JBAS018757: Error getting reflective information for class with ClassLoader ModuleClassLoader for Module “deployment.Sisprot.war:main” from Service Module Loader
at [wildfly-server-8.2.1.Final.jar:8.2.1.Final]
at [wildfly-server-8.2.1.Final.jar:8.2.1.Final]
… 5 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IOException
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source) [rt.jar:1.8.0_181]
at [wildfly-server-8.2.1.Final.jar:8.2.1.Final]
at [wildfly-server-8.2.1.Final.jar:8.2.1.Final]
… 10 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IOException from [Module “deployment.Sisprot.war:main” from Service Module Loader]
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.findClass( [jboss-modules.jar:1.3.3.Final]
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClassUnchecked( [jboss-modules.jar:1.3.3.Final]
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClassChecked( [jboss-modules.jar:1.3.3.Final]
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.performLoadClass( [jboss-modules.jar:1.3.3.Final]
at org.jboss.modules.ConcurrentClassLoader.loadClass( [jboss-modules.jar:1.3.3.Final]
… 15 more
15:13:21,900 ERROR [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS014613: Operation (“deploy”) failed - address: ([(“deployment” => “Sisprot.war”)]) - failure description: {“JBAS014671: Failed services” => {“jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE” => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE: JBAS018733: Failed to process phase POST_MODULE of deployment “Sisprot.war"
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: JBAS018757: Error getting reflective information for class with ClassLoader ModuleClassLoader for Module “deployment.Sisprot.war:main” from Service Module Loader
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IOException
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IOException from [Module “deployment.Sisprot.war:main” from Service Module Loader]”}}
15:13:22,091 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS018559: Deployed “Sisprot.war” (runtime-name : “Sisprot.war”)
15:13:22,091 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS014774: Service status report
JBAS014777: Services which failed to start: service jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.unit.“Sisprot.war”.POST_MODULE: JBAS018733: Failed to process phase POST_MODULE of deployment “Sisprot.war”
O que está dando errado ?