Olá pessoal,
estou com esse erro ao Create New Data Source no TOMCAT
versão 5.5
ao cliclar no botão Save aparece a mensagem :
HTTP Status 500 - Error invoking operation addResource
type Status report
message Error invoking operation addResource
description The server encountered an internal error (Error invoking operation addResource) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.26
Se alguém puder me ajudar agradeceria....
–como estou criando
Data Sources
JNDI Name: java:comp/env/jdbc/local
Data Source URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/prova
JDBC Driver Class:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
User Name:root
Max. Active Connections:5
Max. Idle Connections:2
Max. Wait for Connection:5000
Validation Query: