Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Olá amigos,

Estou encontrando dificuldades para executar o seguinte código:

 package org.nsclient4j;
 public class CLStat {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      try {
        NSClient4j client = new NSClient4j("");
        System.out.print("Result:" + client.getPerfMonCounter("\Processador(_Total)\% tempo de processador"));                           
      } catch (NSClient4JException e) {
        System.err.println("Exception Geting Stat:" + e);

Executo ele através da seguinte linha de comando:

 java org.nsclient4j.CLStat

E estou obtendo o seguinte erro:

 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
         at org.nsclient4j.CLStat.main(CLStat.java:14)

Espero que possam me ajudar.


 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:

A exception esta sendo lançada pois, em algum momento você está tentando acessar uma posição inválida no seu array.

Voce esta querendo acessar um posição q não existe no array.
verique a linha 14 da classe CLStat.

Já sei que essa excessão trata do acesso de uma posição inválida do array, porém, estou com dificuldades para saber que posição é essa.

E quanto a suposta linha 14, a classe CLStat não tem uma linha 14 =/

Obrigado pela atenção!

Coloca o Código da classe


Para podermos ver onde está sendo lançada a exception.


Acredito que o erro esteja na classe CLStat, pois quando executo ela passando parâmetros dá certo.

Utilizando a classe com essas alterações…

package org.nsclient4j;
  public class CLStat {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     try {
       NSClient4j client = new NSClient4j(args[0]);
       System.out.print("Result:" + client.getPerfMonCounter(args[1]));
     } catch (NSClient4JException e) {
       System.err.println("Exception Geting Stat:" + e);

e executando através da linha de comando com:

java org.nsclient4j.CLStat "\Processador(_Total)\% tempo de processador"

Mas como não sou entendido vou no assunto vou postar a classe como você solicitou.


Acredito que o erro esteja na classe CLStat, pois quando executo ela passando parâmetros dá certo.

Utilizando a classe com essas alterações…

package org.nsclient4j;
  public class CLStat {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     try {
       NSClient4j client = new NSClient4j(args[0]);
       System.out.print("Result:" + client.getPerfMonCounter(args[1]));
     } catch (NSClient4JException e) {
       System.err.println("Exception Geting Stat:" + e);

e executando através da linha de comando com:

java org.nsclient4j.CLStat "\Processador(_Total)\% tempo de processador"

Mas como não sou entendido vou no assunto vou postar a classe como você solicitou.

Conforme solicitado…

package com.marketwide.nagios;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * <p>Title: NSClient4J</p>
 * <p>Description: Net Saint NT Client For Java</p>
 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
 * <p>Company: Marketwide Software</p>
 * <p>This is a Java implementation of the nagios plugin <b>check_nt</b>.
 * <p>Some of the calls are not implemented since they are superfluous and can be achieved with the <i>getPerfMonCounter</i> call.
 * <p>These are:<ul>
 * </ul>
 * @author Whitehead (nwhitehe@yahoo.com)
 * @version 1.0

public class NSClient4j {
  /** The string representation of the host name to connect to */
  protected String hostName = null;
  /** The port number NSClient is running on. Default is 1248 */
  protected int portNumber = 1248;
  /** The password for connecting to NSClient. Default is "None" */
  protected String password = "None";
  /** The socket for communicating with Remote NSClient */
  protected Socket socket = null;
  protected OutputStream os = null;
  protected InputStream is  = null;
  protected BufferedInputStream bis = null;
  protected ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
  protected int socketTimeout = 5000;

  protected boolean inited = false;
  public void setPassword(String password) {
    this.password = password;

  public void setPortNumber(int portNumber) {
    this.portNumber = portNumber;

  public void setHostName(String hostName) {
    this.hostName = hostName;

   * NSClient4j Constructor.
   * @param hostName String The name or IP address of the host that is running NSClient
   * @throws NSClient4JException
  public NSClient4j(String hostName) throws NSClient4JException {
    this.hostName = hostName;

   * NSClient4j Constructor.
   * @param hostName String The name or IP address of the host that is running NSClient
   * @param portNumber int The port number NSClient is listening on if not the default
   * @throws NSClient4JException
  public NSClient4j(String hostName, int portNumber) throws NSClient4JException {
    this.hostName = hostName;
    this.portNumber = portNumber;

   * NSClient4j Constructor.
   * @param hostName String The name or IP address of the host that is running NSClient
   * @param portNumber int The port number NSClient is listening on if not the default
   * @param password String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
  public NSClient4j(String hostName, int portNumber, String password)  throws NSClient4JException {
    this.hostName = hostName;
    this.portNumber = portNumber;
    this.password = password;

   * NSClient4j Constructor.
   * @param hostName String The name or IP address of the host that is running NSClient
   * @param password String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
  public NSClient4j(String hostName, String password)  throws NSClient4JException {
    this.hostName = hostName;
    this.password = password;

   * Parameterless constructor.
   * Unlike the other constructors, this one does not init the socket layer.
   * Once the configuration parameters have been set, the init() method must be called before the client can be used.
  public NSClient4j() {
    inited = false;

   * Sets the time out on the NSRequests. If the request times out, it will throw an exception.
   * The default is 5000 ms
   * @param timeout int the request timeout in milliseconds
  public void setSocketTimeOut(int timeout) {
    socketTimeout = timeout;

   * Initializes the socket layer.
   * Intended for use in concert with the parameterless constructor
   * @throws NSClient4JException
  public void init() throws NSClient4JException {

   * Opens the socket as configured to the remote NSClient.
   * Initializes all the io streams.
   * @throws UnknownHostException
   * @throws IOException

  protected void initSocket() throws NSClient4JException {
    if(!inited) {
      try {
        socket = new Socket(hostName, portNumber);
        is = socket.getInputStream();
        os = socket.getOutputStream();
        bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
        baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        inited = true;
      catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
        inited = false;
        throw new NSClient4JException("Unknown Host:" + hostName, ex);
      catch (IOException ex) {
        inited = false;
        throw new NSClient4JException("Exception Connecting to " + hostName +
                                      ":" + portNumber + " -> " + ex, ex);

   * Closes the socket
  public void close() {
    try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { }

   * Last ditch effort to close the socket
  public void finalize() {
    try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { }
    try { super.finalize(); } catch (Throwable t) { }

   * Returns the version of the NSClient that is connected to.
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return String
  public String getNSClientVersion() throws NSClient4JException {
    String result =  submittRequest(password + "&1");
    return result;

   * <p>Retrieves the value of a NT Performance Monitor counter value.
   * <p>Example counter string are: <ul>
   * <li>\\ProcessorPerformance(ACPI\\GenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_6_Model_9\\_0_0)\\Processor Frequency
   * <li>\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time
   * </ul>
   * @param counterName String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return String
  public String getPerfMonCounter(String counterName)throws NSClient4JException {
    if(counterName.equalsIgnoreCase("CPU")) {
      return getCPUUsage();
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&8&" + counterName);
    return result;

   * This method is needed since calling the perfMon counter always show close to 100 % util.
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return String
  public String getCPUUsage() throws NSClient4JException {
    //CPU Load 1% (1 min average)
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&2&1&1&1");
    return result;

   * Retrieves the up time of the server in seconds
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return int The up time in seconds
  public int getUpTimeSeconds()throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&3" );
    return Integer.parseInt(result);

   * Retrieves the up time of the server in minutes
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return int The up time in minutes (rounded)
  public int getUpTimeMinutes()throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&3" );
    int secs = Integer.parseInt(result);
    int minutes = secs / 60;
    return minutes;

   * Retrieves the up time of the server in hours
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return int The up time in hours (rounded)
  public int getUpTimeHours()throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&3" );
    int secs = Integer.parseInt(result);
    int hours = secs / 60 / 60;
    return hours;

   * Retrieves the up time of the server in Days
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return int The up time in days
  public float getUpTimeDays()throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&3" );
    float secs = Float.parseFloat(result);
    float days = secs / 60 / 60 / 24;
    return days;

   * Retrieves the up time of the server as the date the server started
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return Date The date the server started.
  public Date getUpTimeDate()throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&3" );
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - Long.parseLong(result) * 1000;
    return new Date(startTime);

   * Tests a service by service name. If the service is up, returns true.
   * If it is stopped, or unknown, returns a false.
   * @param serviceName String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return boolean
  public boolean isServiceUp(String serviceName) throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&5&ShowAll&" + serviceName);
    String[] results = split(result, ":");
    if(results[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Started")) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Tests a process by process name. If process is running, returns true.
   * If process is not running, or unknown, returns false.
   * @param processName String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return boolean
  public boolean isProcessUp(String processName) throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&6&ShowAll&" + processName);
    String[] results = split(result, ":");
    if(results[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Running")) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Gets the file date of the passed file name
   * @param fileName String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return Date
  public Date getFileDate(String fileName)  throws NSClient4JException {
    String result = submittRequest(password + "&9&" + fileName);
    // 8500&Date: 08/28/2004 1:05:42 PM
    String[] results = split(result, ":");
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a");
    try {
      return dateFormat.parse(results[1].trim());
    catch (ParseException ex) {
      throw new NSClient4JException("Bad Date Format:" + results[1], ex);

   * Returns the port number connected to
   * @return int
  public int getPortNumber() {
    return portNumber;

   * Returns the host name connected to
   * @return String
  public String getHostName() {
    return hostName;

   * Generic request submission method used by all NSClient4j calls.
   * @param request String
   * @throws NSClient4JException
   * @return String
  protected synchronized String submittRequest(String request) throws NSClient4JException {
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    String result = null;
    if(!inited) {
    try {
      while (true) {
        int read = bis.read(buffer);

        if (read > 0) {
          baos.write(buffer, 0, read);
        else {
      result = baos.toString();
      return result;
    catch (Exception ex) {
      inited = false;
      throw new NSClient4JException(ex.getMessage(), ex);


  public static String getCounter(String hostName, int port, String password, String counterName) {
    try {
      NSClient4j client = new NSClient4j(hostName, port, password);
      return client.getPerfMonCounter(counterName);
    catch (NSClient4JException ex) {
      return "Exception:" + ex;

  public static String[] split(String s, String delim) {

    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s, delim);
    String[] result = new String[tokenizer.countTokens()];
    int i = 0;
    while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
      result[i] = tokenizer.nextToken();
    return result;

Ao invés de usar a String “Processador(_Total)% tempo de processador”
use “CPU”

Esse contador tem um bug, e o serviço NSClient só retorna 100%.

Ou vc utiliza a String “CPU” ou usa o método getCPUUsage() na classe NSClient.