Experiência como baseline, não como diferenciador

[quote=DHH]Like chefs, like programmers. Peopleware quotes a study that six months seemed to be the cut-off point for programmers. Once they had six months under their belt, the platform knowledge was no longer the bottleneck in their abilities.


Which leads me to my point: Requiring X years of experience on platform Y in your job posting is, well, ignorant. As long as applicants have 6 months to a year of experience, consider it a moot point for comparison. Focus on other things instead that?ll make much more of a difference. Platform experience is merely a baseline, not a differentiator of real importance.

In turn that means you as an applicant can use requirements like ?3-5 years doing this technology? as a gauge of how clued-in the company hiring is. The higher their requirements for years of service in a given technology, the more likely that they?re looking for all the wrong things in their applicants, and thus likely that the rest of the team will be stooges picked for the wrong reasons.[/quote]

Tirando o fato de que é relativamente difícil focar nas coisas que fazem “mais diferença”, acho que não tenho nada a adicionar. E, como de costume, não podia ser mais ao contrário da (maioria) do que vemos aqui no brasil.

Eu tenho sempre um pé atrás quando pedem esses “3.5 anos de experiência com [blah]”. O que vocês acham?

[quote=bzanchet][quote=DHH]Like chefs, like programmers. Peopleware quotes a study that six months seemed to be the cut-off point for programmers. Once they had six months under their belt, the platform knowledge was no longer the bottleneck in their abilities.


Which leads me to my point: Requiring X years of experience on platform Y in your job posting is, well, ignorant. As long as applicants have 6 months to a year of experience, consider it a moot point for comparison. Focus on other things instead that?ll make much more of a difference. Platform experience is merely a baseline, not a differentiator of real importance.

In turn that means you as an applicant can use requirements like ?3-5 years doing this technology? as a gauge of how clued-in the company hiring is. The higher their requirements for years of service in a given technology, the more likely that they?re looking for all the wrong things in their applicants, and thus likely that the rest of the team will be stooges picked for the wrong reasons.[/quote]

Tirando o fato de que é relativamente difícil focar nas coisas que fazem “mais diferença”, acho que não tenho nada a adicionar. E, como de costume, não podia ser mais ao contrário da (maioria) do que vemos aqui no brasil.

Eu tenho sempre um pé atrás quando pedem esses “3.5 anos de experiência com [blah]”. O que vocês acham?[/quote]

Eu só lamento…

Isso tb acontece lah fora, mas no Brasil o pessoal exagera.

O pior é que os RHs/Gestores de TI não sabem encontrar competência e depois reclamam que faltam profissionais no mercado. E que abram-se 2000, 3000, 4000 mil vagas nas UniTabajaras da vida…