Fiz a prova beta SCJWS

Oi pessoal quero dividir o que aconteceu na minha prova.

Abaixo os objetivos e estou sublinhando o que foi mais relevante na minha versão da prova:

O que está sublinhado se voce realmente saber muito bem (algo dificil mesmo pra quem trabalha há um bom tempo com webservices) voce irá passar com certeza e com boa pontuação.

Exam Testing Objectives
[b]Section 1: XML Web Service Standards

* 1.1 Given XML documents, schemas, and fragments determine whether their syntax and form are correct (according to W3C schema) and whether they conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
* 1.2 Describe the use of XML schema in Java EE Web services [/b]

[b]Section 2: SOAP 1.2 Web Service Standards

* 2.1 List and describe the encoding types used in a SOAP message.
* 2.2 Describe the SOAP Processing and Extensibility Model.
* 2.3 Describe SOAP Message Construct and create a SOAP message that contains an attachment. 

Section 3: Describing and Publishing (WSDL and UDDI)

* 3.1 Explain the use of WSDL in Web services, including a description of WSDL's basic elements, binding mechanisms and the basic WSDL operation types as limited by the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
[b]* 3.2 Describe how WSDL enables one to separate the description of the abstract functionality offered by a service from concrete details of a service description such as "how" and "where" that functionality is offered.
* 3.3 Describe the Component Model of WSDL including Descriptions, Interfaces, Bindings, Services and Endpoints.[/b][b]
* 3.4 Describe the basic functions provided by the UDDI Publish and Inquiry APIs to interact with a UDDI business registry. [/b]

[b][size=24]Section 4: JAX-WS[/size]

* 4.1 Explain JAX-WS technology for building web services and client that communicate using XML
* 4.2 Given a set of requirements for a Web service, such as transactional needs, and security requirements, design and develop Web service applications that use JAX-WS technology
* 4.3 Describe the Integrated Stack (I-Stack) which consists of JAX-WS, JAXB, StAX, SAAJ
* 4.4 Describe and compare JAX-WS development approaches.
* 4.5 Describe the features of JAX-WS including the usage of Java Annotations.
* 4.6 Describe the architecture of JAX_WS including the Tools SPI that define the contract between JAX-WS tools and Java EE.
* 4.7 Describe creating a Web Service using JAX-WS.
* 4.8 Describe JAX-WS Client Communications Models.
* 4.9 Given an set of requirements, design and develop a Web service client, such as a Java EE client and a stand-alone client, using JAX-WS.
* 4.10 Given a set of requirements, create and configure a Web service client that accesses a stateful Web service. 

Section 5: REST, JSON, SOAP and XML Processing APIs (JAXP, JAXB and SAAJ)

* 5.1 Describe the characteristics of REST Web Services.
* 5.2 Describe the characteristics of JSON Web Services.
* 5.3 Compare SAOP web services to REST Web Services.
* 5.4 Compare SAOP web services to JSON Web Services.

* 5.5 Describe the functions and capabilities of the APIs included within JAXP.

[size=18]Section 6: JAXR[/size]

* 6.1 Describe the function of JAXR in Web service architectural model, the two basic levels of business registry functionality supported by JAXR, and the function of the basic JAXR business objects and how they map to the UDDI data structures.
* 6.2 Create JAXR client to connect to a UDDI business registry, execute queries to locate services that meet specific requirements, and publish or update information about a business service. [/b]

Section 7: Java EE Web Services

* 7.1 Identify the characteristics of and the services and APIs included in the Java EE platform.
* 7.2 Explain the benefits of using the Java EE platform for creating and deploying Web service applications.

* 7.3 Describe the functions and capabilities of the JAXP, DOM, SAX, StAX, JAXR, JAXB, JAX-WS and SAAJ in the Java EE platform.
* 7.4 Describe the role of the WS-I Basic Profile when designing Java EE Web services.

[color=red]Section 8: Security[/color]

* 8.1 Explain basic security mechanisms including: transport level security, such as basic and mutual authentication and SSL, message level security, XML encryption, XML Digital Signature, and federated identity and trust.

* 8.2 Identify the purpose and benefits of Web services security oriented initiatives and standards such as Username Token Profile, SAML, XACML, XKMS, WS-Security, and the Liberty Project.
* 8.3 Given a scenario, implement Java EE based web service web-tier and/or EJB-tier basic security mechanisms, such as mutual authentication, SSL, and access control.
* 8.4 Describe factors that impact the security requirements of a Web service, such as the relationship between the client and service provider, the type of data being exchanged, the message format, and the transport mechanism.
* 8.5 Describe WS-Policy that defines a base set of constructs that can be used and extended by other Web specifications to describe a broad range of service requirements and capabilities.

Section 9: Developing Web Services

* 9.3 Given an XML schema for a document style Web service create a WSDL file that describes the service and generate a service implementation.
* 9.4 Given a set of requirements, create code to create an XML-based, document style, Web service using the JAX-WS APIs.
* 9.5 Implement a SOAP logging mechanism for testing and debugging a Web service application using Java EE Web Service APIs.
* 9.6 Given a set of requirements, create code to handle system and service exceptions and faults received by a Web services client.

Section 10: Web Services Interoperability Technologies

* 10.1 Describe WSIT, the features of each WSIT technology and the standards that WSIT Implements for each technology and how it works.
* 10.2. Describe how to create a WSIT client from a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file.
* 10.3 Describe how to configure web service providers and clients to use message optimization.
* 10.4 Create a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client that accesses a Java web service.

Bem como nosso amigo havia dito cai mesmo este lance de WSIT com .Net deixei muitos comentários pois achei isso uma babaquice. Espero que tirem, nunca mechi com .Net em nenhum projeto de webservices que trabalhei e não conheço nenhum, logo isso pra mim não é relevante em nada. :lol:

A prova é muito boa mesmo que não passe vale a pena estudar para quem quiser se aperfeiçoar neste nicho de integração e SOA que tem muitas vagas. O cara que passa nesta prova não é somente um Developer de Webservices é realmente um arquiteto capaz de definir muita coisa.

Boa sorte pra quem for fazer, estudem estes tópicos pois é sucesso na certa. O restante cai em menor proporção.

Outra prova beta??? qual o link dela?
é free como foi a do netbeans???

[quote=luistiagos]Outra prova beta??? qual o link dela?
é free como foi a do netbeans???[/quote]
Já não dá mais pra pegar voucher…

[quote=luistiagos]Outra prova beta??? qual o link dela?
é free como foi a do netbeans???[/quote]

Too late. Time is over.

A inscrição foi até dia 2, eu acho (nessa você se fodeu).
Ah, por sinal, você que fez a SCSNI, poderia postar um resumo aqui.
Eu não consegui fazer porque o trânsito não deixou eu chegar a tempo no centro prometric (nessa eu me fodi).

Sparcx86, eu não entendi esse “sublinhei as partes mais importantes”. Não há nada sublinhado aí, só alguns negritos espalhados, um título grande, um enorme e um em vermelho. Dá um edit aí. E edita também o título: SCDJWS.

Ah, e obrigado por ter deixado comentários dizendo que o .NET na prova é uma babaquice. :thumbup:
Por enquanto a maioria do pessoal da lá no javaranch infelizmente parecem ser a favor. :thumbdown: