Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java Language

Parece que alguém ficou com inveja…

:arrow: Yahoo! User Interface Library

Ou será que saiu antes? [/quote]

E diga-se de passagem, beeeem antes. Alias, nem o que o Google esta fazendo (Java <-> JS) é original. Tem gente que já fez antes… O que acontece é que o Google sabe comunicar melhor… e fez de graça. :slight_smile:

Listinha de frameworks de widgets para JS:

Para ficar por dentro do assunto, recomendo o blog/site (Procure inclusive sobre uma empresa que ficou magoada por que o Google tá levando os créditos na “revolução”. Eu não posso colocar o link pq o proxy aqui barra o Ajaxian)

Alguem já leu esse artigo na OnJava sobre o GWT?

Segue abaixo a parte que me deixou mais intrigado (negrito feito por mim):

[quote=OnJava]License Concerns

How much would you pay for all this? Well, it is free. However, it is not under any OSI license you might be familiar with. Google has terms available – basically you are free to use it, but not redistribute it outside your organization. Now, I am no lawyer, but I am seriously troubled by this clause, however:

you may not distribute Google Web Toolkit Development Tools or any services or software associated with or derived from them, or modify, copy, license, or create derivative works from Google Web Toolkit Development Tools, unless you obtain Google's written permission in advance.

One thing that GWT seems built to do is allow people to build new and interesting components. Indeed, when I first saw it, it screamed “whole new community” of GWT-based widgets. It would seem to me, however, that this is forbidden as a derivative work. It is also worth noting an interesting part of the privacy notice on the download page:

[b]Privacy notice: When you use the Google Web Toolkit's hosted web browser, the application sends a request back to Google's servers to check to see if you are using the most recent version of the product. As a part of this request, Google will log usage data including a timestamp of the date and time you downloaded the Google Web Toolkit and the IP address for your computer.[/b][/quote]

[quote=Ironlynx]Alguém aí já testou o GWT???Eu tô criando uma app com o comando:
applicationCreator -eclipse MyProject com.mycompany.client.MyApplication
Mas ele não está gerando o .project, .classpath típicos do Eclipse…[/quote]

Está faltando o comando: