Guerra Oracle e Eclipse Foundation

Bom dia Nerds do Java,
Recebi essa notícia e gostaria de saber a opinião da mulecada aqui.
Parece que abriga entre os dois está feia mesmo!! Segundo vocês, isso poderá realmente diminuir o avanço do Java? Caso a Oracle imponha suas restrições o que será do Eclipse ( minha IDE favorita)

Today Eclipse Foundation’s president Mike Milinkovic blogged about the final result of the confidential trademark negotiations between Oracle and the Eclipse Foundation. As we remember, Oracle announced that Java EE will be open sourced to that organization and it would become true open source. After 18 months of intensive negotiations the effort has come to an end: It failed. There will be no trademark agreement.

The reason simply spoken is, according to the recent board meeting minutes, that Oracle wanted to have in turn a set of inacceptable demands. Some of them would put the existence of the Eclipse Foundation at severe risk. Oracle claimed that products distributed by the Eclipse Foundation (like the Eclipse IDE) must only be bundled with Java runtimes certified particularly by Oracle and its licenceesnot any other vendor’s certification and not any uncertified runtime. Hence, the IDE and GlassFish wouldn’t be vendor-neutral products anymore. This restriction was not told at the start of the negotations, it was introduced much later, while the transfer was already in progress. One could assume that it was a reaction upon the donation of IBM’s OpenJ9 JVM, which is a clear threat to Oracle’s Java business. But once Eclipse products would be not vendor-neutral anymore, the EF’s tax exemption might become void, which would mean a financial fiasco, or possibly mean the end of the organization as a hole. Hence, it not only was inacceptable , but it was simply impossible to agree to Oracle’s requests, so the negotiations more or less completely failed.

What is left over is not more but also not less the end of Java EE. The Eclipse Foundation may use some rather outdated code, but must not modify it. If it gets modified, it must be renamed – both, the project name (like JAX-RS, which is not nice but acceptable) but also the package name (like javax.*), which means, existing applications will not run on the updated platform without recompilation of the application after intensive refactoring. Hence, it will become a completely new and incompatible platform, the worst case possible, as it not only voids the “WORA” (Write Once Run Anywhere) principle, it simply won’t happen in reality: After 18 months virtually no application vendor really wants to spend the time and money to update all customers with recompiled versions just for the sake of a renamed platform with a dubios future. The future is unclear because Oracle already started a blocking politics at the Eclipse Foundation’s board, where Oracle has a seat, and where unanimous decisions are needed. Oracle now has the power, and apparently will use that power, to block the foundation’s future. It demonstrated that power already in a board meeting, where they had the sole vote against an otherwise unaimous move.

The current reaction of the Eclipse Foundation is to demonstrate success to rescue at least some value of the intensively marketed Jakarta trademark. But at what price? For what keeping a trademark that became an empty hull now? It now is not the successor of Java EE as a global standard anymore, it is just some framework made by some foundation, and users eventually will learn and draw conclusions. Currently plans have intensivated to rename everything ASAP. But who will actually jump on that train, when it implies changing all existing applications? Eclipse’s Mike Milinkovic still sees the future bright. For me, the glass is not just half-empty anymore: Today it cracked into pieces. This is the day when Java EE was killed by Oracle.

Java EE está morto há muito tempo, não importa muito onde esteja, com a Eclipse Foundation sob o nome Jakarta EE ou de outra forma. É fora de cogitação para novas aplicações. Quanto a IDE Eclipse não tem o que se preocupar.

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Nossa…JSF também vai junto?

Cara, spring boot é o que salva o Java, o resto é para legado.

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JSF perdeu mt espaço. O que esta reinando no Java é o Spring.

Só para você ter uma ideia, acabei de fazer uma busca de vagas no Brasil todo pelo Linkedin utilizando as palavras JSF e Spring.

JSF: 373 resultados
Spring 1171 resultados

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Se é verdade que o Java EE está morto, para que servem os cursos online de Java EE Parte 1, 2 e 3 da Alura?


Existe mercado para legados.

O @Mike disse que o que está reinando no Java é o Spring:

O @javaflex disse que o Java EE está morto:

Quais são as tecnologias do Java que também estão “mortas” e que são mercados para legado?

Java SE (Desktop)

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Eu fiz perguntas neste tópico porque eu quero evitar agora de estudar tecnologias que estão “mortas” e que são mercados para legado.

Ainda bem que eu não entrei em nenhum curso online de Java EE da Alura.

Quais são as tecnologias do Java que não estão “mortas” e que não são mercados para legado?

Não tem problema em fazer curso de Java EE. Você tem que estudar aquilo que vá te dar dinheiro.

No momento eu estou trabalhando com React e Spring e penso ficar nisso por um tempo, mas se me ofertarem uma vaga para dar manutenção em um sistema JSF (Java EE) e me pagarem bem, sem dúvida eu vou. Primeiro pq paga bem, segundo pq JSF ta na palma da mão.

O que está com mais demanda e que vem constantemente tendo atualizações ou crescendo é o Spring

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Spring Boot. Mas não espere só flores no mercado, ecossistema Java sempre foi uma zona, n frentes de soluções pra um mesmo fim, então pode encontrar de tudo em legados.

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@Mike e @javaflex,

Muito obrigado pelas respostas!


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Java EE/Jakarta EE, Java ME, Swing, JavaFx (este é ruim no mercado até mesmo para legados).

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