Instalação MySQL

Galera boa tarde.

O Mysql ta instalando normal, mas quando executo o config, aparece a seguinte mensagem:

Windows Vista…

Help me?

Cara, ve se esse link ajuda:
Can?t install MySQL 5.0.51a in Vista because its ?side-by-side configuration is incorrect??

Galera descobri aqui.

To install MySQL Server 5.0.51a in Vista

  1. Disable the UAC in Windows Control Panel->User Accounts
  2. Use mysql-essential-5.0.51a-win32.msi
  3. In the final step uncheck “Configure MySQL Server now”
  4. Download and run Resource Hacker
  5. Open …\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\MySQLInstanceConfig.exe with Resource Hacker
  6. Navigate to 24\1\1033
  7. Change

  8. Press “Compile script”
  9. Exit Resource Hacker and save the result (overwrite the initial MySQLInstanceConfig.exe)
  10. Now MySQLInstanceConfig.exe should start normally.
  11. Configure the server.
  12. Sometimes the server doesn’t start:
    a) Check Windows Firewall settings (3306/TCP)
    b) Try changing the compability mode for the file …\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqld-nt.exe to Windows XP-SP2.
  13. That’s all.

Fica ai pra se alguem tiver o mesmo problema.