Instalação OPen - xchange

OLá galera, alguem já instalou o OPEN-XCHANGE, estou tendo problemas em achar os arquivos:

O erro abaixo acontece quando vou compilar com ./configure

checking for javac… /usr/bin/javac
configure: WARNING: Maybe the build will not work properly because the check for mail.jar failed. You should specify the location with --with-mailjar
configure: WARNING: Maybe the build will not work properly because the check for activation.jar failed. You should specify the location with --with-activationja r
configure: WARNING: Maybe the build will not work properly because the check for jdom.jar failed. You should specify the location with --with-jdomjar
configure: WARNING: Maybe the build will not work properly because the check for jsdk.jar failed. You should specify the location with --with-jsdkjar
configure: WARNING: Maybe the build will not work properly because the check for jdbc.jar failed. You should specify the location with --with-jdbcjar

Alguem já passou por isso?