Let's deepen the English, follows an interview with Martin Fowler

Do you already speak fluent English, remember the best services in this possibility to communicate with your client

Martin Fowler without subtitles

Curiosidade: Ă© vocĂȘ que escreve esses textos:

“Do you already speak fluent English, remember the best services in this possibility to communicate with your client”

Porque essa frase me parece um tanto estranha, considerando a estrutura da frase.

Ainda sobre esse assunto, acho que seria mais proveitoso vocĂȘ manter esse assunto num tĂłpico sĂł, ao invĂ©s de ficar criando um por dia pra dizer basicamente a mesma coisa.


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VocĂȘ tem razĂŁo mas quero enfatizar , que o InglĂȘs Ă© muito importante , nĂŁo vou criar outro post, pode ficar tranquilo !!!


Te garanto que fluĂȘncia vocĂȘ nĂŁo tem.

E, complementando, novamente vocĂȘ estĂĄ postando na categoria errado. Isso nĂŁo tem nada a ver com Agile.

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You’re innocent, you have no idea what I’m trying to say here, if I have to say anything else, I’ll just post it here.

NĂŁo deveria postar nĂŁo, afinal, aqui Ă© pra DESENVOLVIMENTO. O Alura LĂ­nguas Ă© pra lĂĄ.

Meu amigo, eu morei em Londres 5 anos, vocĂȘ tem certeza disso? xD

If you do not mind answering in English, what I’m trying to say here in this post is for people to be aware that the interview for the selection here in Brazil for who will act as a developer is all in English, Of course, it’s cool that you had the chance to live in London, I’m working in Brazil anyway, it’s just a note for the GUJ.

For someone who raises the English flag so much, I would expect a correct English :joy:
The word you are looking for is “naive”, not “innocent”.

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SUHAHUSAUHSAUHUHSAUHSA eu tava querendo falar isso, fora a estrutura da frase que Ă© toda torta

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I’m being honest, but I do not think you guys are figuring out where I want to go with this, but okay, I’ve tried