O sistema funciona como um mecanismo de busca. Nesta versão o sistema está apenas na classe AttributeManager
Segue um exemplo junto ao arquivo.
package manager;
public class Manager
public static void main(String[] args)
AttributeManager<Client> clients = new AttributeManager<Client>();
clients.add(new Client("Joao Carlos da Nobrega", 25, true));
clients.add(new Client("Pedro Silva Moreira", 17, true));
clients.add(new Client("Barbara Almeida", 40, false));
Client select = clients.get(Client.NAME, "Pedro Silva Moreira");
System.out.println(select.getName() + " - Idade: " + select.getAge()); //Pedro Silva Moreira - Idade: 17
select = clients.get(Client.AGE, 25);
System.out.println(select.getName() + " - Idade: " + select.getAge()); //Joao Carlos da Nobrega - Idade: 25
AttributeManager<Client> select2 = clients.getAll(Client.SEX, true);
System.out.println("Foram selecionados " + select2.size() + " clientes com sexo masculino"); //Foram selecionados 2 clientes com sexo masculino
[code]package manager;
public class Client extends AttributeManager<Object>
public static final int
NAME = 0,
AGE = 1,
SEX = 2; //True to male, false to female
public Client(String fname, int fage, boolean fsex)
public String getName()
return (String) get(NAME);
public final void setName(String fname)
set(NAME, fname);
public int getAge()
return (Integer) get(AGE);
public final void setAge(int fage)
set(AGE, fage);
public boolean getSex()
return (Boolean) get(SEX);
public final void setSex(boolean fsex)
set(SEX, fsex);
[code]package manager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class AttributeManager<T>
protected ArrayList<T> attributes = new ArrayList<T>();
private void debug(String fstring)
System.out.println("AttributeManager: " + fstring);
public int size()
return attributes.size();
public T get(int ftype)
if(size() > ftype)
return attributes.get(ftype);
return null;
public T get(int ftype, Object fvalue)
AttributeManager<Object> fin;
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
fin = (AttributeManager<Object>) get(all);
if(fin != null && fin.get(ftype) != null && fin.get(ftype).equals(fvalue))
return (T) fin;
return null;
public T get(int ftype, Object fvalue, int ftype2, Object fvalue2)
AttributeManager<Object> fin;
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
fin = (AttributeManager<Object>) get(all);
if(fin != null && fin.get(ftype) != null && fin.get(ftype).equals(fvalue) && fin.get(ftype2).equals(fvalue2))
return (T) fin;
return null;
public AttributeManager<T> getAll(int ftype, Object fvalue)
AttributeManager<Object> fin;
AttributeManager<T> freturn = new AttributeManager<T>();
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
fin = (AttributeManager<Object>) get(all);
if(fin != null && fin.get(ftype) != null && fin.get(ftype).equals(fvalue))
freturn.add((T) fin);
return freturn;
public AttributeManager<T> getAll(int ftype, Object fvalue, int ftype2, Object fvalue2)
AttributeManager<Object> fin;
AttributeManager<T> freturn = new AttributeManager<T>();
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
fin = (AttributeManager<Object>) get(all);
if(fin != null && fin.get(ftype) != null && fin.get(ftype).equals(fvalue) && fin.get(ftype2).equals(fvalue2))
freturn.add((T) fin);
return freturn;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public T get(int ftype, int finside, Object fvalue)
AttributeManager ftmp;
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
ftmp = (AttributeManager) get(all);
if(((AttributeManager) ftmp.get(ftype)).get(finside).equals(fvalue))
return (T) ftmp;
return null;
//Extra get
public T first()
return get(0);
public T back()
if(size() > 0)
return attributes.remove(0);
return null;
public T last()
return get(size() - 1);
public T pop()
if(size() > 0)
T freturn = last();
remove(size() - 1);
return freturn;
return null;
public void add(T fvalue)
public void add(int ftype, T fvalue)
attributes.add(ftype, fvalue);
public void set(int ftype, T fvalue) //Set object value by type
if(size() > ftype)
attributes.set(ftype, fvalue);
for(int all = size(); all < ftype; ++all)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void setAll(int ftype, Object fvalue)
for(int fall = 0; fall < size(); ++fall)
((AttributeManager) get(fall)).set(ftype, fvalue);
public void remove(int ftype) //Remove object by type
if(size() > ftype)
if(ftype == size() - 1)
for(int all = ftype - 1; all >= 0; --all)
if(get(all) == null)
else break;
else attributes.set(ftype, null);
else debug("Invalid position on remove.");
public void remove(int ftype, Object fvalue)
for(int all = 0; all < size(); ++all)
if(((AttributeManager) get(all)).get(ftype).equals(fvalue))
debug("Unale te remove.");
public void remove(Object fvalue)
public T removeFull(int ftype) //Remove without let null
return attributes.remove(ftype);
public void clean()
public String concat()
String fresult = "";
for(int all = 0; all < attributes.size(); ++all)
if(fresult.length() > 0)
fresult = fresult + " ";
fresult = fresult + get(all);
return fresult;
public ArrayList<T> array()
return this.attributes;
É isso, obrigado por ler e espero contribuir.
Atenciosamente, Pedro Silva Moreira - PeJuGe.