Opera lança Opera Mini para todos celulares com J2ME

Opera Software is introducing Opera Mini, a J2ME (Java 2 Mobile Edition) Web browser for virtually all mobile phones. Opera Mini enables Web access on more than 700 million low- and mid-tier Java-capable phones around the world.

The software allows users to access the Web on mobile phones that would normally be incapable of running a Web browser. This includes the vast majority of today’s WAP-enabled phones. Instead of requiring the phone to process Web pages, it uses a remote server to pre-process the page before sending it to the phone.

With Opera Mini the phone only has to run a small Java-client and the rest is taken care of by the remotely located Opera Mini server. Users don’t have to have an advanced phone to surf the Web, which means that most people can use it with their existing phones.

Installing Opera Mini requires users to simply send an SMS or visit a link through their WAP browser to receive the software.

Opera believes that because Opera Mini enables Web access on low- and mid-tier phones, operators can now dramatically increase the average revenue per user (ARPU) across their entire customer base by stimulating the usage of compelling mobile Web services. Opera offers full customization of Opera Mini to companies, for example operators, broadcasters, mobile content providers and the Internet industry, that would like to include their own version of Opera Mini as part of their mobile content offerings.

The software is available to end-users through operators and companies that choose to include it in their offerings to their customers. It is currently available as a pilot project through TV2 in Norway, with wider availability to be announced.

Fonte: GeekZone