Org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error( Erro com esse pacote


Pessoal estou com esse erro:

Eu não conheço esse pacote SWT.

O problema encontra-se no meu construtor :

public WordSearchReplace() { = new Shell();
this.frame = new OleFrame(, SWT.NONE);
this.wordSite = new OleClientSite(this.frame, SWT.NONE, WordSearchReplace.PROG_ID);
this.wordAutomation = new OleAutomation(this.wordSite);

A primeira vez que eu executo a classe a aplicação funciona correto , porem ao executar a segunda vez ao entrar no construtor eu tenho erro.
Ao executar a segunda vez o erro da na primeira linha : = new Shell();

Essa classe faz o seguinte : Ler um documento MS word e faz um search e eplace no arquivo e depois salva.

Como faço para resolver esse problema?

Segue a classe.



========================classe java============================

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.TYPEATTR;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OLE;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFrame;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFunctionDescription;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OlePropertyDescription;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleParameterDescription;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.Variant;

public class WordSearchReplace {

private static final String PROG_ID            = "Word.Application";
private static final int WD_REPLACE_ALL        = 1;
private static final int WD_FIND_CONTINUE      = 1;
private Shell shell                            = null;
private OleFrame frame                         = null;
private OleClientSite wordSite                 = null;
private OleAutomation wordAutomation           = null;
private OleAutomation activeDocumentAutomation = null;
private boolean cleaned                        = false;

 * Create a new instance of the WordSearchReplace class.
public WordSearchReplace() {
System.out.println("entrei no construtor");          = new Shell();
	this.frame          = new OleFrame(, SWT.NONE);
	this.wordSite       = new OleClientSite(this.frame, SWT.NONE, WordSearchReplace.PROG_ID);
this.wordAutomation = new OleAutomation(this.wordSite);

 * Open an MS Word file. This is a file whose name ends with the extension
 * .doc or .doc and which conforms to the correct format.
 * Note; if it is possible to open the named file, an attempt is made
 * to cache an OleAutomation object referencing that file which will be
 * referred to in future as the active document. Most other methods
 * need to capture references to further OleAutomation(s) that have the
 * active document as their root.
 * @param fileName An instance of the String class that encapsulates the
 *                 path to and name of the file that is to be opened.
 *                 Note; the full path name must be supplied as Word
 *                 will be opening the file and no assumptions can
 *                 safely be made concerning the applications 'home'
 *                 folder.
 * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed to the fileName
 *         parameter.
 * @throws FileNotFoundException if it is not possible to locate the
 *         file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name of the file does not end
 *         with either the .dot or .doc extensions.
 * @throws SWTException if a problem occurs whilst invoking any of the OLE
 *         methods.
public void openFile(String fileName) throws SWTException,
                                             IllegalArgumentException {
	OleAutomation documentsAutomation = null;
	int[] id                          = null;
	Variant[] arguments               = null;
	Variant invokeResult              = null;
	try {

		// Check the the file name is not null
		if(fileName == null) {
			throw new NullPointerException("Null value passed to " +
				"fileName parameters of the openFile() method.");

		// Check the the file names ends with '.dot' or '.doc'.
		// Remember to include templates and docuemnts
		if(!(fileName.endsWith(".doc")) && !(fileName.endsWith(".dot"))) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"The filename must end with the extensions \'.doc\' or \'.dot\'");
		// Check that the file exists
		File fileToPrint = new File(fileName);
		if(!(fileToPrint.exists())) {
			throw new FileNotFoundException("The file " +
			                                fileName +
			                                "cannot be found.");
		// From the application, get an automation for the Documents property
		documentsAutomation = this.getChildAutomation(this.wordAutomation, "Documents");
		// Get the ID of the Open method
		id = documentsAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"Open"});
		if(id == null) {
			throw new SWTException("It was not possible to recover an " + 
			"identifer for the Open method in WordSearchReplace.openFile().");
		// Build an array of parameters - holds just the file name
		arguments    = new Variant[1];
		arguments[0] = new Variant(fileName);
		// Invoke the Open method on the Documents property
		invokeResult = documentsAutomation.invoke(id[0], arguments);
		// If the call to invoke the open method failed, throw an SWTException
		// to terminate processing.
		if(invokeResult == null) {
			throw new SWTException("An error occurred whilst invoking the " +
				"Open method for the following file: " + 
				fileName  +
				" in WordSearchReplace.openFile().");
		// If it was possible to open the document successfully, grab an
		// automation object referencing the active document here.			
		else {
			this.activeDocumentAutomation = this.getChildAutomation(
				this.wordAutomation, "ActiveDocument");
	finally {
		// If the automation was instantiated then dispose of it to
		// release resources. This OleAutomation was only required
		// to open the file and can safely be released here.
		if(documentsAutomation != null) {

 * Save the currently open file - the active document.
 * @throws SWTException if a problem occurs whilst invoking any of the OLE
 *         methods.
public void save() throws SWTException {
	int[] id             = null;
	Variant invokeResult = null;
	// From the automation for the ActiveDocument object, get an id for
	// the Save method
	id = this.activeDocumentAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"Save"});
	// If it was not possible to recover the id of the Save
	// method, throw an exception to notify the user and terminate
	// processing.
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("Unable to obtain an automation for " +
			"the Save method in");
	// Invoke the Save method and catch the value returned
	invokeResult = this.activeDocumentAutomation.invoke(id[0]);
	// If a null value was returned then the invocation of the
	// Save method failed. Throw an exception to notify the
	// user and terminate processing.
	if(invokeResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred invoking the " +
			"Save method in");


 * Save the active document using the name provided.
 * @param fileName Am instance of the String class encapsulating the name 
 *        for the file. Again, the path to and name of the file should
 *        be supplied.
 * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed to the fileName
 *         parameter.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either an empty String is passed
 *         to the fileName parameter or if the files name does not end
 *         with one of the two permissible extensions - .dot and .doc
public void saveAs(String fileName) throws SWTException,
                                           IllegalArgumentException {
	int[] id             = null;
	Variant[] arguments  = null;
	Variant invokeResult = null;
	// If the fileName parameter is passed a null
	// value, throw an exception.
	if(fileName == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException("A null value was passed to " + 
			"the fileName parameter of WordSearchReplace.saveAs().");
	// If the fileName parameter has been passed an empty String
	// then again throw an exception.
	if(fileName.length() == 0) {
		throw new NullPointerException("An empty string was passed " +
			"to the fileName parameter of WordSearchReplace.saveAs().");
	// Finally, make sure the file name ends in either
	// .doc or .dot.
	if((!fileName.endsWith(".dot")) && (!fileName.endsWith(".doc"))) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("An illegal file name was " +
			"passed to the fileName parameter of " +
			"WordSearchReplace.saveAs(). The file name must " +
			"end in \'.dot\' or \'.doc\'.");
	// From the automation for the ActiveDocument object, get an id for
	// the SaveAs method
	id = this.activeDocumentAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"SaveAs"});
	// If it was not possible to recover the id of the SaveAs
	// method, throw an exception to notify the user and terminate
	// processing.
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("Unable to obtain an automation for " +
			"the SaveAs method in WordSearchReplace.saveAs().");
	// Build the array of arguments that will be passed to the invoke
	// method when the SaveAs method is invoked. In this case, this
	// array will contain a single member - a String object encapsulating
	// the path to and name of the output file.
	arguments    = new Variant[1];
	arguments[0] = new Variant(fileName);
	// Invoke the SaveAs method and catch the value returned
	invokeResult = this.activeDocumentAutomation.invoke(id[0], arguments);
	// If a null value was returned then the invocation of the
	// PrintOut method failed. Throw an exception to notify the
	// user and terminate processing.
	if(invokeResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred invoking the " +
			"SaveAs method in WordSearchReplace.saveAs().");

 * Mimics Words 'replace' functionality by searching the active
 * document for evey string of characters that matches the value passed to
 * the searchTerm parameter and replacing them with the string of
 * characters passed to the replacementTerm method.
 * It is possible to code a VBA macro within Word that will perfrom a serach
 * and replace. That code would look like the following;
 *  <pre>
 * 	Selection.Find.ClearFormatting
 *	Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting
 *	With Selection.Find
 *   	.Text = "serach"
 *   	.Replacement.Text = "search"
 *   	.Forward = True
 *   	.Wrap = wdFindContinue
 *   	.Format = False
 *   	.MatchCase = False
 *   	.MatchWholeWord = False
 *   	.MatchWildcards = False
 *   	.MatchSoundsLike = False
 *   	.MatchAllWordForms = False
 *	End With
 *	Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
 *  <pre>
 *  and this method will 'automate' it.
 * @param searchTerm An instance of the String class that will encapsulate
 *        the series of characters that should be replaced.
 * @param replacementTerm An instance of the String class that will
 *        encapsulate the series of characters that should replace the
 *        searchTerm.
 * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed to either the
 *         searchTerm or replacementTerm methods.
 * @throws SWTException if a problem occurs when invoking any of the
 *         OLE methods.
public void replace(String searchTerm,
                    String replacementTerm) throws SWTException,
                                                   NullPointerException {
	OleAutomation selectionFindAutomation = null;
	OleAutomation childAutomation         = null;
	Variant[] arguments                   = null;
	Variant invokeResult                  = null;
	int[] id                              = null;
	int[] namedArguments                  = null;
	boolean success                       = true;
	// Validate the searchTerm parameter and throw exception if
	// null value passed.
	if(searchTerm == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException("Null value passed to " +
				"searchTerm parameter of the replace() method.");
	// Validate the replacementTerm parameter and throw exception if
	// null value passed.
	if(replacementTerm == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException("Null value passed to " +
				"replacementTerm parameter of the replace() method.");

	// Most of the VBA instructions used to perform the search and
	// replace functionality and child automations of Selection.Find,
	// therefore, it is wise to cache that automation first.
	// From the application, get an automation for the Selection property
	childAutomation         = this.getChildAutomation(this.wordAutomation,
	selectionFindAutomation = this.getChildAutomation(childAutomation,
	// Next, using the cached automation, invoke the 'ClearFormatting'
	// method, validate the returned value and invoke the method.
	// Selection.Find.ClearFormatting
	id = selectionFindAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"ClearFormatting"});
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("It is not possible to recover an identifier " +
			"for the ClearFormatting method in WordSearchReplace.replace() " +
			"when clearing the formatting for the search string.");
	invokeResult = selectionFindAutomation.invoke(id[0]);
	if(invokeResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred invoking the " +
			"ClearFormatting method in WordSearchReplace.repace() " +
			"when clearing formatting for the search string.");
	// Now, perform the same function but for the replacement string.
	// Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting
	childAutomation = this.getChildAutomation(selectionFindAutomation,
	id = childAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"ClearFormatting"});
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("It is not possible to recover an identifier " +
			"for the ClearFormatting method in WordSearchReplace.replace() " +
			"when clearing the formatting for the replacement string.");
	invokeResult = childAutomation.invoke(id[0]);
	if(invokeResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred invoking the " +
			"ClearFormatting method in WordSearchReplace.repace() " +
			"when clearing formatting for the replacement string.");
	// Firstly, set the search text.
	// .Text = "search term" 
	arguments    = new Variant[1];
	arguments[0] = new Variant(searchTerm);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "Text", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the Text " +
			"property for the search string in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Next, the replacement text
	// .Replacement.Text = "replacement term"
	childAutomation = this.getChildAutomation(selectionFindAutomation,  "Replacement");
	arguments[0] = new Variant(replacementTerm);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(childAutomation, "Text", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the Text property" +
			" for the replacement string in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the direction of the search - forward in this case.
	// .Forward = True
	arguments[0] = new Variant(true);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "Forward", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the Forward " +
			"property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Tell the search to wrap. Note the literal wdFindContinue relates to
	// a constant that is defined within Word. I have provided a static 
	// final to replace it called WD_FIND_CONTINUE
	// .Wrap = wdFindContinue
	arguments[0] = new Variant(WordSearchReplace.WD_FIND_CONTINUE);

// System.out.println(“jose vieira WD_FIND_CONTINUE:” + arguments[0]);
success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, “Wrap”, arguments);
if(!success) {
throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the Wrap " +
“property in WordSearchReplace.replace().”);

	// Set the Format property to False.
	// .Format = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "Format", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the Format " +
			"property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the MatchCase property to false.
	// .MatchCase = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "MatchCase", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the MatchCase " +
			"property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the MatchWholeWord property to false.
	// .MatchWholeWord = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "MatchWholeWord", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the " +
			"MatchWholeWord property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the MatchWildCards property to false.
	// .MatchWildcards = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "MatchWildCards", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the " +
			"MatchWildCards property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the MatchSoundsLike property to false.
	// .MatchSoundsLike = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "MatchSoundsLike", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the " +
			"MatchSoundsLike property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Set the MatchAllWordForms property to false.
	// .MatchAllWordForms = False
	arguments[0] = new Variant(false);
	success = this.setPropertyValue(selectionFindAutomation, "MatchAllWordForms", arguments);
	if(!success) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred setting the " +
			"MatchAllWordForms property in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	// Invoke the Execute command passing the correct value to the Replace
	// parameter. Again, wdReplaceAll is a constant that I have provided
	// a ststic final for called WD_REPLACE_ALL
	// Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
	id = selectionFindAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"Execute", "Replace"});
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("It was not possible to recover an identifier " +
			"for the Execute method in WordSearchReplace.replace().");
	arguments         = new Variant[1];
	arguments[0]      = new Variant(WordSearchReplace.WD_REPLACE_ALL);
	namedArguments    = new int[1];
	namedArguments[0] = id[1];
	// There was some indication that the invokeNoReply method should
	// be used when making this call but no, invoke SEEMS to work well
	//selectionFindAutomation.invokeNoReply(id[0], arguments, namedArguments);
	invokeResult = selectionFindAutomation.invoke(id[0], arguments, namedArguments);
	if(invokeResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException("A problem occurred trying to invoke the " +
		"Execute method in WordSearchReplace.replace().");


 * Close the active document.
 * @throws SWTException if a problem is encountered invoking any of the
 *         OLE methods.
public void closeFile() throws SWTException {
	int[] id             = null;
	Variant[] arguments  = null;
	Variant invokeResult = null;
	try {
		// From the OleAutomation referencing the active document, recover
		// the id of the Close method.
		id = this.activeDocumentAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"Close"});
		// If it was not possible to recover the id of the Close
		// method then throw an exception to notify the user and
		// terminate processing.
		if(id == null) {
			throw new SWTException("It was not possible to recover an " + 
				"identifier for the Close method in " + 
		// Invoke the Close method on the ActiveDocument automation
		invokeResult = this.activeDocumentAutomation.invoke(id[0]);
		// If the invocation of the Close method failed, throw an
		// exception to notify the user and terminate processing.
		if(invokeResult == null) {
			throw new SWTException(
				"An error occurred invoking the Close method in " +
	finally {
		if(this.activeDocumentAutomation != null) {
System.out.println("finalizei a classe "); 

 * Release resources.
public void dispose() throws SWTException {
	try {
		// Set the cleaned flag to true. This prevents the method from
		// running again if it is called from the finalize() method
		this.cleaned = true;
		// From the word automation, recover the id of the Quit method
		int[] id = this.wordAutomation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{"Quit"});
		// If the id of the Quit method cannot be recovered
		// throw an exception - not much good really though.
		if(id == null) {
			throw new SWTException("Unable to obtain an id for the Quit " +
				"property in WordSearchReplace.dispose().");
		// Invoke Quit
  		Variant result = this.wordAutomation.invoke(id[0]);
  		// If an error occurs during the invocation, throw an exception.
  		// Again though that exception is of limited value.
  		if(result == null) {
  			throw new SWTException("A problem occurred trying to invoke the " +
  				"Quit method in WordSearchReplace.dispose().");
	finally {
    	// Finally, dispose of the word application automation.

 * The finalize() method has been over-ridden to ensure that resources
 * are correctly released if a WordSearchReplace object is created but
 * not disposed of properly before it becomes eligible for garbage
 * collection. The cleaned flag is used as acheck to ensure that the
 * dispose() method cannot be called more than once.
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
	if(!this.cleaned) {

 * Creates and returns a 'child' OleAutomation object. The object model 
 * employed by Word, Excel and the like, arrange objects, methods and
 * properties hierarchically. To invoke a method, it is often necessary
 * to iterate through this hierarchy from parent to child and this method
 * supports that process.
 * @param automation An OleAutomation object that references the parent
 *        automation.
 * @param childName An instance of the String class that encapsulates the
 *        name of the child automation.
 * @throws SWTException if a problem is encountered invoking one or
 *         other of the OLE methods.
private OleAutomation getChildAutomation(OleAutomation automation,
                                         String childName) throws SWTException {
	// Try to recove the unique identifier for the child automation
	int[] id = automation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{childName});

	// If the identifier cannot be found then throw an exception to
	// terminate processing.      		
	if (id == null)  {
		throw new SWTException(
			"A problem occurred trying to obtain and id for: " +
		    childName +
		    "in the getChildAutomation() method.");
	// SWT's implementation of OLE referes to all of Words objects, methods
	// and properties using the single term 'property'. The next stage 
	// therefore is to recover a refence to the 'property' that relates
	// to the child automation.
	Variant pVarResult = automation.getProperty(id[0]);
	// If it is not possible to recover a 'property' for the child 
	// automation, then throw an SWTException.
	if (pVarResult == null) {
		throw new SWTException(
			"A problem occurred trying to obtain an automation for property: " +
		    id[0] +
		    " in the getChildAutomation() method.");
	// As we are after a child automation in this instance, call the
	// getAutomation() method on the 'property'.

 * Sets the value of a property.
 * @param automation An instance of the OleAutomation class that will
 *        hold a reference to the properties parent automation object
 * @param propertyName An instance of the String class that encapsulates the
 *        name of the property whose value is to be set.
 * @param arguments An array of type Variant whose elements contain the 
 *        values that will be set for the named property.
 * @return A primitive boolean value that indicates whether or not the
 *         properties value was successfully set.
 * @throws NullPointerException will be thrown if a null value is passed to
 *         any of the methods three arguments.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if an empty String
 *         is passed to the propertyName parameter or if an empty array
 *         is passed to the arguments parameter. Note, no check is made
 *         on the vallues of the elements in the arguments array.
 * @throws SWTException will be thrown if a problem is encountered
 *         imvoking any of the OLE methods.
private boolean setPropertyValue(OleAutomation automation,
                                 String propertyName,
                                 Variant[] arguments) throws SWTException,
                                                             IllegalArgumentException {
	// Validate the various parameters
	if(automation == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException(
			"A null value was passed to the automation parameter of " +
	if(propertyName == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException(
			"A null value was passed to the propertyName parameter of " +
	if(propertyName.length() == 0) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
			"An empty - zero length - String was passed to the propertyName " +
			"parameter of WordSearchReplace.setPropertyValue().");
	if(arguments == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException(
			"A null value was passed to the arguments parameter of " +
	if(arguments.length == 0) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
			"An empty - zero length - array was passed to the arguments " +
			"parameter of WordSearchReplace.setPropertyValue().");
	// Recover the identifier for the property
	int[] id = automation.getIDsOfNames(new String[]{propertyName});
	if(id == null) {
		throw new SWTException("Unable to obtain an identifier for the " +
			propertyName +
			" property in WordSearchReplace.setPropertyValue().");
	// Try to set the properties value. If this fails, the boolean value
	// false will be returned to the calling code.
	return(automation.setProperty(id[0], arguments));
