Readability - Por Phillip Calçado

Baseado no Texto do Phillip Calçado, o mesmo afirma pessoas experts em programação e em mais de uma linguagem, não são proficientes em entender o Domínio(O Core do projeto), no decorrer do texto situa-se a frase “In ThoughtWorks we love to have people coming to our projects and working with us for a couple of days. When a skilled ThoughtWorker has trouble trying to understand the code this is a very bad sign and we need to work on that”. O que se percebe é um efeito comum em muitas empresas, por ainda não terem maturidade ou em contratação ou mesmo na fragilidade de manter uma equipe que permaneça em vários projetos.

Penso que isso seja um efeito natural nas empresas sobre não entenderem ainda gerencia em adoções sobre metodologias novas e ainda como empregá-las, bom foi essa a impressão ao tema que me passou, sendo que a própria ThoughtWorks recorrer a recrutamento ao acaso.

Fonte Readability

  • Readability

It may be odd to see this as the third most important thing in a blog from someone that works for ThoughtWorks. I do believe that writing code that is readable is extremely important, I just don?t think that, in a project, it comes before the two other topics we previously talked about.

The Tech Lead should make sure that the code being written is readable by people that have enough knowledge. What is ?enough? means depends on who you ask but for me there are at least two groups in this situation:

  1. People that are proficient in the programming platform (e.g. Java, .Net, Rails, etc.) but not necessarily in the domain
  2. People that are programmers, know the domain but don?t master the platform used in that system.

There are multiple ways of doing that. In ThoughtWorks we love to have people coming to our projects and working with us for a couple of days. When a skilled ThoughtWorker has trouble trying to understand the code this is a very bad sign and we need to work on that. I?ve heard about people that are going even further and asking for people from other companies to come and pair with the development team for some time.