Gostaria de saber se só é possível receber Boolean de checkboxes no vraptor.
Por exemplo:
<input type="checkbox" name="webSiteCategories[0]" value="${category1Id} />
<input type="checkbox" name="webSiteCategories[1]" value="${category2Id} />
<input type="checkbox" name="webSiteCategories[2]" value="${category3Id} />
<input type="checkbox" name="webSiteCategories[3]" value="${category4Id} />
O que eu estava esperando é receber uma Lista de Longs List dos checkboxes marcados.
Mas a lista está vindo null, e no LOG do VRaptor aparece isso:
00:01:02,613 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[1] with [5]
00:01:02,615 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[1] ignoring
00:01:02,615 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[14] with [13]
00:01:02,616 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[14] ignoring
00:01:02,616 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[9] with [1]
00:01:02,617 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[9] ignoring
00:01:02,617 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[13] with [14]
00:01:02,617 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[13] ignoring
00:01:02,617 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteName with [Maiconfz.com]
00:01:02,618 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[12] with [16]
00:01:02,619 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[12] ignoring
00:01:02,620 DEBUG [OgnlParametersProvider] Applying webSiteCategories[0] with [2]
00:01:02,621 DEBUG [OgnlFacade ] cant find property for expression webSiteCategories[0] ignoring