JUDE/Community 1.5.3(July 7, 2005)
* Input on Diagram Editor
To edit an input on the Diagram Editor, select it and press F2. The input will be editable.
* Color Chooser
Black is added in the Color Chooser.
Fixed Bugs
* Generalizations with the shared style on a Package cannot be moved when moving the Package.
* Change the name of Class on the Class Diagram and do not fix the input.
The input name is not updated by drag & drop the Class from the Structure Tree to the Class Diagram.
* Element names are selected by drag & drop multiple elements from the Structure Tree to the Diagram.
* Action State is out of Swimlane when adding a new Swimlane in the Activity Diagram.
* Actor, Entity, Boundary and Control are shown with the normal icon by Undo/Redo of creating the elements.
* Attributes and Methods are not editable by creating Attributes (Ctrl+F) and Methods(Ctrl+M) if the Class name is selected.
* In some cases, invalid models are created when changing the end of Association, Generalization and Dependency.
* Invalid models are created when changing the link end of the self link on the Collaboration Diagram.
* An exception occurs when deleting <<extend>> or <<include>> in the UseCase Diagram.
* The initial color of the Association Class cannot be set.
* Packages are enlarged when putting on the plural classes in the Class Diagram.
* Move the diagram including Constraints from a Package to another Package. Constraints are deleted when deleting the former package.
* The end of the Note Anchor moves to the corner of the Note when moving the other end of the Note Anchor to another element.
* The deletion conformation dialog is not displayed when opening the Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagram.
* To edit a text, only a part of the text is displayed in the scale-down diagram.
* The Class visibility cannot be cloned.