Saiu nova versão do JUDE

JUDE/Community 1.5.3(July 7, 2005)


* Input on Diagram Editor
  To edit an input on the Diagram Editor, select it and press F2. The input will be editable.

* Color Chooser
  Black is added in the Color Chooser. 

Fixed Bugs

* Generalizations with the shared style on a Package cannot be moved when moving the Package.
* Change the name of Class on the Class Diagram and do not fix the input.
  The input name is not updated by drag & drop the Class from the Structure Tree to the Class Diagram.
* Element names are selected by drag & drop multiple elements from the Structure Tree to the Diagram.
* Action State is out of Swimlane when adding a new Swimlane in the Activity Diagram.
* Actor, Entity, Boundary and Control are shown with the normal icon by Undo/Redo of creating the elements.
* Attributes and Methods are not editable by creating Attributes (Ctrl+F) and Methods(Ctrl+M) if the Class name is selected.
* In some cases, invalid models are created when changing the end of Association, Generalization and Dependency.
* Invalid models are created when changing the link end of the self link on the Collaboration Diagram.
* An exception occurs when deleting <<extend>> or <<include>> in the UseCase Diagram.
* The initial color of the Association Class cannot be set.
* Packages are enlarged when putting on the plural classes in the Class Diagram.
* Move the diagram including Constraints from a Package to another Package. Constraints are deleted when deleting the former package.
* The end of the Note Anchor moves to the corner of the Note when moving the other end of the Note Anchor to another element.
* The deletion conformation dialog is not displayed when opening the Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagram.
* To edit a text, only a part of the text is displayed in the scale-down diagram.
* The Class visibility cannot be cloned.

Gostei do “license agreement”:

JUDE License Agreements

 1. JUDE Community version is free, provides the followings.

 2. Reverse engineering and reverse compilation is not allowed.

 3. Copyright and ownership of this software belong to Eiwa System Management,Inc.

 4. Provided "as is", without any warranty.

 5. Eiwa system Management, Inc has no obligation of any version up or upgrade of this software.

 6. You can use this software just as a developing tool for your software.

 7. Reprinting or distributing this program is not allowed.

Simples, como os outros deviam fazer :smiley:

@+ eu até li! :smiley:

Eu gosto do Jude, só peca num detalhe: não exportar em xmi. Isto só é possível naversãom paga da ferramenta, fora isso acho que a frerramenta tem evoluido muito!
