Galera, passei na SCDJWS ontem. Estou postando o meu “Guia” de referencia pessoal, tem links e as principais recomendações da W3C que são cobradas na prova.
Está meio bagunçado, mas serve um tanto de ajuda para quem já está estudando. Quando tiver tempo e medida que for lembrando vou fazer mais comentários sobre a prova.
A quem for fazer: BOA SORTE!
WS-Policy allows discoverable service properties as a WSDL allows discoverable services.
See DSW4120_SG and 5.4.6 SOAP Fault Codes
XSD namespace is ""
XML schemas can describe XML documents and the meaning and relationships of their constituent parts.
The XSD type system can be used to define type even if the actual format is NOT XML.
WSDL PREFERS (not require) XSD as the type system.
Use xsd:anyType for generic type descriptions
Basic Profile:
R2010 An XML Schema directly or indirectly imported by a DESCRIPTION MUST use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.
R2011 An XML Schema directly or indirectly imported by a DESCRIPTION MUST use version 1.0 of the eXtensible Markup Language W3C Recommendation.
R2110 In a DESCRIPTION, declarations MUST NOT extend or restrict the soapenc:Array type.
R2111 In a DESCRIPTION, declarations MUST NOT use wsdl:arrayType attribute in the type declaration.
R2112 In a DESCRIPTION, elements SHOULD NOT be named using the convention ArrayOfXXX.
R2113 An ENVELOPE MUST NOT include the soapenc:arrayType attribute.
R2800 A DESCRIPTION MAY use any construct from XML Schema 1.0.
R2801 A DESCRIPTION MUST use XML Schema 1.0 Recommendation as the basis of user defined datatypes and structures.
R2112 In a DESCRIPTION, elements SHOULD NOT be named using the convention ArrayOfXXX.
Basic Profile mandates the use of XML Schema for user defined datatypes.
The Profile requires that all WSDL SOAP 1.1 extensions be understood and processed by the consumer, irrespective of the presence or the value of the wsdl:required attribute on an extension element.
R2747 A CONSUMER MUST understand and process all WSDL 1.1 SOAP Binding extension elements, irrespective of the presence or absence of the wsdl:required attribute on an extension element; and irrespective of the value of the wsdl:required attribute, when present.
R2748 A CONSUMER MUST NOT interpret the presence of the wsdl:required attribute on a soapbind extension element with a value of “false” to mean the extension element is optional in the envelopes generated from the WSDL description.
R2702 A wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST specify the HTTP transport protocol with SOAP binding. Specifically, the transport attribute of its soapbind:binding child MUST have the value “”.
Port Type is an abstract set of operations supported by one or more endpoints.
Port is a single endpoint defined as a combination of a binding and a network address.
Operation is an abstract description of an action supported by the service.
Service defines a collection of related endpoints
Message is an abstract, typed definition of the data being communicated
Binding is for a concrete protocol for a particular port type.
soap 1.2 envelope namespace is ""
wsdl soap bindding namespace is ""
soapfault namespate MUST be ""
soapfault contain a mandatory Reason element and an optional Role
soapfault detail element is open content and application specific
Body element is required with 0 to N entries
Body entry is identified by its fully qualified element name
Processing Layer has Marshalling outbound XML based on a database query and Java calculation and Exceptions for failures executing businesses logic.
Java EE 5 authorization system can operate across either one of two security realms: certificate-based or default role based.
Java EE 5 vendors MUST support the WS-I Basic Profile.
SSL MUST be supported (Ejb spec).
SAML define an XML structure for authentication and authorization information between services.
It provides the capability of validating and parsing XML documents.
JAXP is a standard component in the Java platform.
They provide an implementation independent API that enables applications to parse, transform, validate and query XML.
It maps a given schema definition into corresponding Java classes.
They provide a way to process XML content using Java objects by binding its XML schema to Java representation.
JAXB XJC is a schema compiler.
It describes content and metadata within XML registries.
life cycle managers may delete ServiceBindings.
a service may have multiple ServiceBindings.
ServiceBinding is an Interface.
The ServiceBinding.setValidateURI can allow an invalid URI to be published if desired.
StAX is a pull API suitable for many tasks including marshalling XML.
The style, “document” or “rpc”, of an interaction is specified at the wsdl:operation level, permitting wsdl:bindings whose wsdl:operations have different styles. This has led to interoperability problems.
It is a technology for building web services and clients that communicate using XML.
Dynamic Proxy and Dispath are the supported communication modes in JAX-WS
Dynamic Proxy hides XML messages exchanged, raw messages
the Dispatch interface is well-suited to working directly with XML messages.
JAX-WS core APIs: javax.xml.spi.Provider,
JAX-WS service APIs:,
JAX-WS client APIs:
Logging attribute: = true;
Simple stateless services with SOAP are often more complex than the same using REST.
Annotations to support stateful services are available in JAX-WS.
key standarts combined by WS-Security: SOAP + XMLEncryption
I-Stack includes JAX-WS, JAXB, StAX, SAAJ, and Fast Infoset.
Security Token Service (STS) must sign the token to indicate it recognizes the presenter.
Java EE 5 code must limit itself to the range supported by System.decimal because the .Net range is smaller than the Java range.
SOA emphasizes the concept of service encapsulation and Web Services fulfill a service contract.
WS-I Services Security Profile: Basic Security Profile (BSP), Rights Expression Language (REL), SAML Token Profile
profiles defined related to web services security: Basic Security Profile (BSP), Rights Expression Language (REL), SAML Token Profile
Visitor pattern represents an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure.
Decorator pattern attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically.
Web Service Cache pattern optimizes network traffic.
find_service parameters are tModelBag,categoryBag
for adding and updating: delete_binding, find_relatedBusinesses