AngularJS ou ReactJS?

Qual tecnologia é melhor pro desenvolvimento?
Suas vantagens e desvantagens?


Qualquer pesquisa tosca por angularjs x reactjs traria um monte de resultados como
este ou

1 curtida

Eu posso aconselhar este artigo - Esta empresa realizou um estudo e selecionar o melhor.

Estou desenvolvendo em Angular V4 é maravilhoso para esse projeto.

Projeto X fica melhor Angular
Projeto Y fica melhor Delphi
Projeto z fica melhor ReactJS
Projeto … ficar melhor na máquina de escreve papel e caneta…
Projeto Angular v4
Git Hub

New photo by Junior Ferreira

AngularJS is based on the three layers — Model, View, Controller, and provides many standard services, factories, controllers, and directives. We divide app code into several files and can reuse template or component in a different part of the website.
ReactJS helps us update the View for the user and, with Flux, can control the application workflow. React offers freedom, but it comes at the cost of additional time spent designing the structure of an application.
Read more here

I suggest reading this article for basic understanding of the topic:

Since I suggest adding Vuejs to this comparison.

When comparing web development tools, two options stand out from the rest of the JavaScript crowd, React and Angular.
So what are the key points to consider? Which framework should you choose for your web development needs?

To get more insight in this Angular vs React debate, check out this article: