Upload html4 Ajax

olá pessoal, precisava de um upload para um sistema, consegui implementar o uploadify fácil o problema é swf, precisava de alguma coisa para rodar em qualquer browser, daí partir para o MooUpload http://mootools.net/forge/p/mooupload, que é muito bom, mas estou tendo dificuldades de implementar, os exemplos no site são em php.

Alguma sugestão ??? :roll:


está usando html puro jsf ou outro ??

então Polverini, estou usando jsp chamando um servlet que faz o upload pelo apache commons, no frame do uploadfy (utiliza swf) ta redondo mas precisava garantir que todos pudessem enviar. no meu exemplo é um form mas queria q qdo o camarada escolhesse o arquivo ele fosse enviado sem dar um reload na página. Ou seja tipo um progress bar sabe :slight_smile:

Polverini esta quase funfando, consegui barrar umas msgs de erro e subir mais de um arquivo por vez utilizando a resposta no servlet da seguinte forma

// response.setContentType("application/json"); travava no primeiro arquivo em browser antigo, daí troquei por response.setContentType("text/html");
PrintWriter header = response.getWriter();

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
                    String teste = "{" +
                    		  "\"key\": 0," +
                    		  "\"name\": "+ item.getName() +"," +
                    		  "\"error\": 0," +
                    		  "\"name\": "+ item.getSize() +"," +
                    		  "\"upload_name\": "+ Formatador.formata(new Date(), "ddMMyyyyHHmmssSSS") +"," +
                    		  "\"finish\": true}";

mas ainda não tenho o retorno, ele passa a enviar os demais arquivos mas continua tipo se for 2 arquivos aparece 25% (envio do primeiro) na barra de progresso e não avança, segue abaixo o código em PHP do componente MooUpload, preciso tratar melhor como o servlet vai responder

Quem puder me ajudar
:smiley: Grato

 * Mooupload class
 * Provides a easy way for recept and save files from MooUpload
 * DISCLAIMER: You must add your own special rules for limit the upload of
 * insecure files like .php, .asp or .htaccess     
 * @author: Juan Lago <juanparati[at]gmail[dot].com>

class Mooupload 

	// Container index for HTML4 and Flash method
	const container_index = '_tbxFile';
	 * Detect if upload method is HTML5
	 * @return	boolean
	public static function is_HTML5_upload()
		return empty($_FILES);
	 * Upload a file using HTML4 or Flash method
	 * @param		string	Directory destination path 	 	 
	 * @param		string	File prefix (Useful for avoid file overwriting)	 	 	 
	 * @param		boolean	Return response to the script	 
	 * @return	array		Response
	public static function HTML4_upload($destpath, $file_prefix = '', $send_response = TRUE)
		// Normalize path
		$destpath = self::_normalize_path($destpath);
		// Check if path exist
		if (!file_exists($destpath))
			throw new Exception('Path do not exist!');
		// Upload file using traditional method	
		$response = array();
	  foreach ($_FILES as $k => $file)
	    $response['key']         = (int)substr($k, strpos($k, self::container_index) + strlen(self::container_index));
	    $response['name']        = basename($file['name']);	// Basename for security issues
	    $response['error']       = $file['error'];
	    $response['size']        = $file['size'];
	    $response['upload_name'] = $file['name'];
	    $response['finish']      = FALSE;
	    if ($response['error'] == 0)
	      if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $destpath.$file_prefix.$file['name']) === FALSE)      
	        $response['error'] = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR;
	        $response['finish'] = TRUE;
	 	// Send response to iframe 
		if ($send_response) 
	  	echo json_encode($response);    				
		return $response;	
	 * Upload a file using HTML5
	 * @param		string	Directory destination path	 	 	 	 	 
	 * @param		boolean	Return response to the script	 
	 * @return	array		Response
	public static function HTML5_upload($destpath, $file_prefix = '', $send_response = TRUE)
		// Normalize path
		$destpath = self::_normalize_path($destpath);
		// Check if path exist
		if (!file_exists($destpath))
			throw new Exception('Path do not exist!');
	  $max_upload 	= self::_convert_size(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
	  $max_post 		= self::_convert_size(ini_get('post_max_size'));
	  $memory_limit = self::_convert_size(ini_get('memory_limit'));
	  $limit = min($max_upload, $max_post, $memory_limit);
	  // Read headers
	  $response = array();
		$headers 	= self::_read_headers();
		$response['id']    	= $headers['X-File-Id'];
	  $response['name']  	= basename($headers['X-File-Name']); 	// Basename for security issues
	  $response['size']  	= $headers['Content-Length'];
	  $response['error'] 	= UPLOAD_ERR_OK; 
	  $response['finish'] = FALSE;
	  // Detect upload errors
		if ($response['size'] > $limit) 
	    $response['error'] = UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE;
		// Firefox 4 sometimes sends a empty packet as last packet
	  else if ($headers['Content-Length'] == 0)
	    $response['error'] = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE;
	  // Is resume?	  
		$flag = (bool)$headers['X-File-Resume'] ? FILE_APPEND : 0;
	  $filename = $response['id'].'_'.$response['name'];
	  $response['upload_name'] = $filename;
	  // Write file
		if (file_put_contents($destpath.$filename, file_get_contents('php://input'), $flag) === FALSE)
	    $response['error'] = UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
	    if (filesize($destpath.$filename) == $headers['X-File-Size'])
	      $response['finish'] = TRUE;
	      /* If uploaded file is finished, maybe you are interested in saving, registering or moving the file */
				// my_save_file($destpath.$filename, $file_prefix.$response['name']);
		// Return an ajax response
		if ($send_response)
			header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
		  header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
		  header('Content-type: application/json');
		  echo json_encode($response);
	  return $response;
	 * Detect the upload method and process the files uploaded
	 * @param		string	Directory destination path	 	 	 	 	 
	 * @param		boolean	Return response to the script	 
	 * @return	array		Response
	public static function upload($destpath, $file_prefix = '', $send_response = TRUE)
		return self::is_HTML5_upload() ? self::HTML5_upload($destpath, $file_prefix, $send_response) : self::HTML4_upload($destpath, $file_prefix, $send_response);		
	 * Convert to bytes a information scale
	 * @param		string	Information scale
	 * @return	integer	Size in bytes	 
	public static function _convert_size($val)
		$val = trim($val);
	  $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]);
	  switch ($last) {
	    case 'g': $val *= 1024;
	    case 'm': $val *= 1024;
	    case 'k': $val *= 1024;
	  return $val;
	 * Normalize a directory path
	 * @param		string	Directory path
	 * @return	string	Path normalized	 
	public static function _normalize_path($path)
		if ($path[sizeof($path) - 1] != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
		return $path; 
	 * Read and normalize headers
	 * @return	array	 
	public static function _read_headers()
		// GetAllHeaders doesn't work with PHP-CGI
		if (function_exists('getallheaders')) 
			$headers = getallheaders();
			$headers = array();
			$headers['Content-Length'] 	= $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
			$headers['X-File-Id'] 			= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_ID'];
			$headers['X-File-Name'] 		= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'];			
			$headers['X-File-Resume'] 	= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_RESUME'];
			$headers['X-File-Size'] 		= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE'];
		return $headers;
