Qual a diferença dos projetos ou plugins do WST e JST para eclipse? Qual dos dois seria melhor para trabalhar com projetos Web e J2EE? Posso instalar os dois?

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Poderia colocar o link para as páginas dos plugins?Procurei no google e não achei muito sobre eles.

O link eh esse:

o nome das ferramentas eh Web Standard Tools(WST) e J2EE Standard Tools(JST)

[quote=Web Tools Project] Web Standard Tools (WST)
The Web Standard Tools subproject aims to provide common infrastructure available to any Eclipse-based development environment targeting Web-enabled applications. Within scope will be tools for the development of three-tier (presentation, business and data logic) and server publication of corresponding system artifacts. Outside scope will be language or web framework specific technology, which will be left to other subprojects like the J2EE Web Tools subproject.

Tools provided will include editors, validators and document generators for artifacts developed in a wide range of standard languages (for example, HTML/xHMTL, Web services, XQueries, SQL, etc.) Supporting infrastructure will likely comprise a specialized workbench supporting actions such as publish, run, start and stop of Web application code across target server environments.
J2EE Standard Tools (JST)
The initial scope of the J2EE Standard Tools subproject will be to provide a basic Eclipse plug-in for developing applications based on J2EE 1.4 targeting J2EE-compliant application servers, as well as a generic J2EE tooling infrastructure for other Eclipse-based development products.

Within scope will be a workbench providing a framework for developing, deploying, testing and debugging J2EE applications on JCP-compliant server environments, as well as an exemplary implementation of a plug-in for at least one JSR-88 compliant J2EE Server. Included will be a range of tools simplifying development with J2EE APIs including EJB, Servlet, JSP, JCA, JDBC, JTA, JMS, JMX, JNDI, and Web Services. This infrastructure will be architected for extensibility for higher-level development constructs providing architectural separations of concern and technical abstraction above the level of the J2EE specifications.

The integrated workbench to be delivered would support use cases such as - Develop a JSP page, Enhance the “PetStore” blue-print application, Expose a Session Bean as a Web Service.[/quote]

Resumindo, cada ‘subprojeto’ tem um propósito diferente. E quando você instala o Eclipse wtp leva de bandeja os dois :smiley: